
Excellence Discipline: Academic Excellence

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Academic Excellence program is targeted towards students who achieve high academic standards and are passionate about learning. The program provides an environment that differentiates for high ability students that is exciting and highly challenging. Academic Excellence classes currently cater for students in years 7, 8, 9, and 10 across English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities. 

Superior Opportunities in Academic Excellence

Our Academic Excellence program has a strong emphasis on team work and relationship building that promotes student ownership for their learning whilst preparing them for senior schooling and tertiary study.  The rigour of the Academic Excellence Program sets students up for success in their chosen senior pathways at Year 11 and 12. Our students are passionate about their learning and take pride in the high academic results that they achieve. The rigour of their classes requires them to persist and give their best effort to all tasks whether they are working individually or in a team setting.

Teachers in the Academic Excellence Program are highly skilled in meeting the needs of gifted students and use a range of strategies to enhance learning and help students meet their potential. 

The high academic standard that students achieve in Academic Excellence classes is supported by:

  • A rigorous curriculum that extends and challenges to deepen understanding and improve key cognitive skills.

  • ​Learning experiences that mirror those used in real life professions allowing students to apply their learning for authentic purposes.

  • Embedded STEM activities in key learning areas that allow students to explore engineering and technology pathways.

  • Online classrooms for every class designed to support independent learning. 

  • Opportunities to participate in regional, state wide and national academic competitions such as Australian Mathematics Competition, Australian History Competition, First Lego League, Robo Cup and eSports.

  • Targeted excursions aimed at enriching learning e.g. UQ Sparq Lab, QUT STEAM Lab.

  • Academic Excellence camps that focus on sociol-emotional wellbeing, building resilience and conquering fears.

  • Offering leadership and STEM camps such as NASA and Emu Gully.

  • Acceleration pathways that provide early access to senior ATAR subjects and tertiary subjects.

  • Support of scholarship attainment for financial support whilst at post schooling.

  • Access to an electronic device hire scheme for those that do not that their own.​

  • Various tertiary institutions such as University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University offer support to our students in the form of offering workshops and funding that contribute to the success of the Academic Excellence program.
  • The University of Queensland, in particular, has been a significant supporter by offering guaranteed entry and scholarships to past Academic Excellence students in Year 10 who are pursuing a university qualification.
  • GISP - The Advanced Manufacturing Gateway to Industry Schools project (GISP_AM) provides opportunities for students interested in Engineering, Design and Biotechnology fields to work with experts in the field and experience real life insight into the wealth of roles in the industry.
  • QMEA - Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy provides students with exposure to the range of careers into the resources sector and other supporting science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) industries. Students work with professionals working in the fields of drone, robotics and sustainable mining practices to embed their learning in real life contexts. ​


Last reviewed 12 June 2024
Last updated 12 June 2024