The aim of the Music Excellence Program is to provide students with an opportunity to learn from specialist teachers and professionals from within the industry whilst being exposed to a variety of performance and creative opportunities. The range of experiences on offer not only improve the skills of the young musicians at Marsden, but also provides students with a forum to investigate with real world career opportunities in the Music Industry.
Opportunities in Music Excellence
Music Excellence Curriculum Classes from Year 7-10 working on a specialised program that prepares students for senior pathways in music.
Senior Pathways in General Music (ATAR) and Certificate III in Music Industry – this is a real qualification that can be used to gain employment or a position in tertiary studies.
Access to high quality facilities and music equipment, such as the on-site Recording Space and the Performing Arts Centre of Excellence.
Extra-Curricular ensembles directed by specialist teachers*:
Elite band
Elite vocal
Senior emerging band
Junior emerging band
Vocal development ensemble
String ensemble and string lessons
Concert band and woodwind & brass lessons
Drumline and percussion lessons
Junior and Senior piano lessons
Junior and Senior guitar lessons and ensemble
*It is compulsory for students in Music Excellence to participate in at least one music ensemble/program on offer at Marsden SHS. These classes/ensembles are directed by specialist teachers to ensure the highest standards across the department.
These ensembles compete at a large range of eisteddfods and competitions. Past experiences include the AUSACA National Acapella Competition as well as local competitions like Logan Idol, the Beenleigh, Gold Coast and Ipswich Eisteddfods.

Superior Opportunities in Academics
AVID Program | Advancement Via Individual Determination strategies that develops students’ skills in writing, inquiry, collaboration, organisation and reading.
Rigorous curriculum that extends and challenges to deepen understanding and improve key cognitive skills.
Various tertiary partnerships such as University of QLD, QLD University of Technology, Griffith University, The University of Melbourne and Harvard all offer support to our students.
One of the largest QLD Schools to offer an extended range of Senior Subjects - General, Applied and Short Courses. Students are supported for various pathways beyond year 12.
Each of our subjects are matched with 21st Century Skills and Job Clusters that you choose to guide you into selecting your dream career and your future world of work.