Drama Excellence at Marsden State High School is an audition-based program designed for students in grade 7-12 who demonstrate both potential in the Drama and Theatre discipline, and commitment to their growth as a young artist. Students in Drama Excellence are exposed to a variety of theatre styles in their curriculum classes such as Physical Theatre, Children's Theatre, Shakespeare, and Australian Gothic Theatre. The learning experiences in Drama Excellence not only teach Drama-specific content such as performance skills, but also engage students in the development of essential skills including communication, collaboration and creativity.
Superior Opportunities in Drama
Drama Excellence students engage in multiple workshop opportunities throughout the year to learn from a range of current theatre industry professionals, such as:
Vocal coaches
A range of performance opportunities are available to Drama Excellence students, including but not limited to:
School-wide events
Drama Excellence Night
Marsden Arts Showcase
Queensland Youth Shakefest Competition
The Scene Project (QLD Theatre)
Theatre Festivals around Brisbane and Logan
Please contact Kathryn Stephan for more information and to book your school tour today!
Telephone: 07 3299 0555
Email: kstep121@eq.edu.au