
Excellence Discipline: Rugby League


​​​​​​​​​The Marsden State High School Rugby League Excellence program is the premier high-performance school boy rugby league program in the Australia and a proven pathway to the NRL. Our coaches focus on developing the academic and athletic capacities of all of the students in the program and player wellbeing is a top priority. We strive to produce young men who can make a positive contribution to their communities, who are of strong character and are dynamic role models and leaders within the school. We provide a cutting edge, professional training environment where a culture of high expectations helps us to deliver stellar results on the playing field across all teams.

​Superior Opportunities in Rugby League

As an affiliate school for both the Brisbane Broncos, the Gold Coast Titans and the Souths Logan Magpies, we are able to offer superior opportunities for our students. These include:

  • Broncos Cup and Titans Cup across Years 7-12
  • Annual Sydney Tour for the opens squad that including games against Sydney NRL club SG Ball squads
  • Team building excursions for all Rugby League players (Currumbin beach)
  • Professional recovery techniques (Supplements, Ice baths, rollers/stretch bands, static stretching)
  • Video analysis (Pre and post-game reviews) 
  • Strength and conditioning sessions in the gymnasium
  • Rugby League as a timetabled subject
  • Queensland Schools representative pathway through the Met East region
  • MTC (Mates Talk Change) mental health program incorporated across our theory programming
  • Scholarships for students who have achieved a high level within both club or schoolboy Rugby League
  • Access to an athlete well-being team to ensure player welfare and career pathways are supported
  • Access to a physiotherapist during and after a game (Fizzio For Life)
  • Sports Nutrition instruction and guidance, led by qualified nutritionist.
  • Access to sports psychologists and exercise physiologists during training and class time
  • State of the art facilities
​Superior Opportunities in Academics
  • AVID Program | Advancement Via Individual Determination strategies that develops students’ skills in writing, inquiry, collaboration, organisation and reading.
  • Rigorous curriculum that extends and challenges to deepen understanding and improve key cognitive skills.
  • Various tertiary partnerships such as University of QLD, QLD University of Technology, Griffith University, The University of Melbourne and Harvard all offer support to our students.
  • One of the largest QLD Schools to offer an extended range of Senior Subjects - General, Applied and Short Courses. Students are supported for various pathways beyond year 12.
  • Each of our subjects are matched with 21st Century Skills and Job Clusters that you choose to guide you into selecting your dream career and your future world of work.​


Last reviewed 04 March 2025
Last updated 04 March 2025