UQ Psychology Clinic @ Marsden SHS
The UQ Psychology Clinic holds a weekly clinic at Marsden State High School to meet the mental health needs of our students waiting for actioning of Mental Health Care Plans. By attending the UQ Psychology Clinic students can have their mental health care plans actioned.
This clinic is only available to current students of Marsden SHS. Students must have, from their General Practitioner or treating Medical Doctor, a current Mental Health Care Plan that requires psychological treatment for a mental health difficulty.
Treatment is provided by a provisional psychologist who is currently undertaking advanced postgraduate study in clinical psychology at The University of Queensland. All provisional psychologists are provisionally registered with the Psychology Board of Australia, and receive regular professional supervision from fully qualified, senior clinical psychologists.
The provisional psychologist is able to action the mental health care plan, and at the completion of the sessions, communicate outcomes to the student’s GP. This is the same process that would occur if your child was accessing any psychology services with a Mental Health Care Plan.
There is no fee for this service, nor charge to Medicare.
To discuss the clinic or find out more details on how to attend, please call via the school administration phone number 07 3299 0555 or email uqpsychclinic@marsdenshs.eq.edu.au.