#MTC is a program designed and driven by the students at Marsden State High School. The program commenced in 2015 when a group of Open Rugby League Boys decided to breakdown the tough and silent stigma of their sport, and help prevent youth suicide. The message was simple, if you're struggling then talk to your mates.
#MTC has grown to become the foundational fabric that Marsden SHS Student Support Hub is built on. This Includes everyday strategies for students to implement to help them in the classroom, around campus, when performing on stage/on the sports field, and outside the school gates in everyday life. Students are supported to establish a well-rounded body, mind and character.
We are consistently collecting data and using the most up to date research on strategies to update and implement the most effective ways students can self-monitor and maintain their wellbeing. Like learning in the classroom we continue to learn about who we are as people, how we interact with others and how we can contribute to our community in the future.