Helping students access the health care they need
Marsden State High School is pleased to be participating in the GPs in Schools Pilot.
The Pilot is part of the Queensland Government's Student Wellbeing Package. The initiative is designed to make it easier for adolescents in Queensland schools to access the healthcare they need.
The Pilot has allowed our school to set up a fit-for-purpose GP clinic on school grounds. This clinic provides students with access to a GP one day each week, during school terms. This means students can get the health information, advice and treatment they need to be safe and healthy. Dr Muhammed is on site every Friday and is available via appointment only.
What services does the GP provide?
Our school GP clinic offers our students the majority of services that young people are able to access from GPs in the community, including management of physical health, mental health, and sexual and reproductive health issues. However, the GP will not have the equipment to manage injuries and no medications (drugs) will be kept on school premises.
For more information:
Is there a cost for students to see the GP?
All visits to the GP are provided at no cost to students or their families. The GP bulk-bills all appointments through Medicare, so it is important that students bring their Medicare card (or their Medicare number) with them to their appointment.
Our school's GP is Dr Muhammed Chothia. Dr Muhammed is a very experienced mental health and wellbeing GP and is excited to work alongside Marsden’s Student Support Services every Friday, via appointments only.