BYOD Solutions
As part of the schools learning environment, all students who have chosen further studies or an ATAR pathway will participate in the BYOD program. It will be expected that students choosing to study general subjects will be committed to additional study time at home to assist in being successful in these classes. They are highly academic and rigorous classes. We believe that having access to a device both at school and at home will benefit students.
The devices will be used every day in class. Students are required to bring the device fully charged to school each day and be responsible for their maintenance and care. For students participating in the BYOD program there is no levy.
The school will have lockers available for students, these are available at the Marden State High Schools Payment Office at a cost of $40 per year. BYOD participants will receive first options on these lockers in Term 1.
Our IT staff will be available during the first week of the School year and specified days prior to the commencement of school, to help with the on boarding process to install required software, school network, network drives, and printing connection.
The BYOD parent portals (listed on this page) are offered as a convenient way in which to buy a laptop, accidental damage cover, extended warranty and accessories. Marsden State High School does not endorse nor recommend any particular supplier of IT equipment or accessories. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to compare prices and services from multiple retailers so that they are satisfied that the items on offer represent quality, value for money and meet their needs. Any purchase transactions conducted via the portals are a private matter between the purchaser and supplier. Families can also purchase from a vendor of their choice using the minimum specifications below.
Please note: Education Queensland does not support Chromebook's, Android or Linux devices.

BYOD Portal Details
Web link | HP BYOD
School Code | MarsdenSHS